A New Year to Accomplish Our Goals

Posted on  by ashajackson1

I looked at my memories on one of my social media platforms yesterday. I saw a post I liked focused on the New Year and all of us having 365 opportunities for that upcoming year. I really liked that idea and really thought about it for a bit.

All of us have 366 days- 366 opportunities to make things happen to reach our goals.We may get there on day 15, day 89, day 265, or 366. We may not see our goals come to fruition by day 366, but we could have planted some seeds that will begin to grow in 2024. So, if we look at each day as an opportunity that can be an encouraging thought.

I have my own goals that I’m working towards. Sometimes I get frustrated when I have not accomplished certain goals. But if I look at each day as an opportunity (a chance to make progress towards my goals), I believe it will help me to keep working on my goals. And, of course, remembering that seeds do not bear fruit overnight. 

And lucky us . . . We are getting one more day this year. 366 opportunities to work towards accomplishing our goals.

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